you’re not satisfied with your position in life or expect more from yourself,
your career or your relationships then you clearly have to make some sort of
change. Doing the same things that you’ve done up until now will only get you
what you already have. If what you have isn’t enough then you must demand more
of yourself and everything around you. So how do you start?
first step to a really changing your life is changing your body. The leading
man always looks like a leading man. And believe it or not everyone around you
will treat you differently simply based on how you look and present yourself.
that you were going for an interview for a new position that you really want.
Now imagine that it comes down to you and one other guy who is equally
qualified, but that other guy is in significantly better shape than you and he
just looks like more of a leading man than you do. Which person do you think
will get the job?
most cases the guy who looks the part will get the benefit of the doubt, which
means he’s going to get the job, the girl, the money and whatever else he
wants. This is partly because he believes he deserves it, and partly because
other people also believe he deserves it. It might not sound fair, but this is
the way the world works. This is called the ‘halo effect’.
you’re ready to accept this you can start using this to your advantage and
start getting more of what you want in any area of your life.
first step is taking care of your body. Sure clothes and presentation is
important. But the nicest suit on earth wrapped around a sloppy out of shape
body doesn’t hide the fact that you can’t take care of yourself.
in shape is the single most important and powerful thing you can do to start
affecting real and lasting changes in your career and your relationships
because it causes both an intrinsic and extrinsic change.
you build a better body you will gain more confidence and exude this confidence
(whether you know it or not). This will have an effect on everyone that
interacts with you. They will start giving you the benefit of the doubt because
of what they are seeing.
judge each other within the first 2 second that they lay eyes on you, so you
better be something to look at in those first 2 seconds.
that time they will make a decision about your ability to take care of
yourself, how much confidence and respect you seem to have, how intelligent
they think you are, and whether or not they even want to interact with you.
of this happens in a couple seconds, and this happens way before you ever have
a chance to say a word. It’s your job to make your first physical impression a
good one. And that is done by building a perfectly proportioned body.
is no mystery and you and I both know the look of the leading man. It’s not too
big, and not too thin, it is in fact the proverbial ‘just right’ size. Believe
it or not there is actually scientific evidence for the ideal muscular size of
a man’s body and I’ve put it all together into a system I call the Adonis Index
end result is the Adonis Effect.
John Barban is the Author of the Adonis IndexWorkout, a specific method for building a guy’s body into its most attractive
shape: the shape women find attractive and that creates social dominance with
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